Good morning!
I just wanted to notify you of a change to our youth schedule. Something has come up so we need to cancel youth group Sunday Evening at the Cozmyk's House. INSTEAD...we will be going immediately following our worship service to lunch and to see the movie, I Can Only Imagine.
We will meet in the youth room, then head out to Wendy's for lunch, then over to Valley View Cinemark. We will return to the church around 4:30 pm where you can pick your student up. We will have them call you when we leave the movie theatre.
The students will need $7.25 for the movie ticket, as well as money for lunch. They will also need an activity form filled out. I will email one later today or tomorrow. You can also pick one up in the youth room on Sunday.
IMPORTANT: Students will need to bring their money for the ticket to SUNDAY SCHOOL CORE CLASS. We will collect the money up til 9:30am. After that we will be purchasing tickets, so if they did not get their money in, they will not be able to attend. I am sorry but there will be no exceptions this time.
Thanks! Any questions, please contact Pastor Dan or myself.